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Best Couple Rings

Best Couple Rings

Message par coupleslv le Vendredi 23/08/2024 15:51:45

Couple Rings for Him and Her

Let's look into the story behind and how to wear the pinky ring of today, an iconic piece of jewelry, suitable for both women and men that is becoming more popular.

Pinky rings were historically worn as a sign of respect and to seal documents. Today, they are an elegant accessory that can be worn by any person regardless of gender. They can enhance your appearance and show your style. What is the story behind this old-fashioned adornment? What are the best ways to wear it? This practical guide will tell you everything you need to know.

Couple Braclets: History

The pinky rings have a long history. It is often associated with the style of chevalier. Ancient Egyptians utilized this ring as an indicator of belonging, but it was only in the Middle Ages was when it became a common.

The ring, traditionally worn by men on the right pinky, was characterized by the flat upper part with the coat of arms or seal of the noble house it belonged to was imprinted (in reverse). The rings were not just an acknowledgment mark, but also a signatory for the sealing wax used to seal the correspondence. This ensured that nobody would be able to open it without being caught.

Pinky ring: today

Pinky rings are no longer only for men. There are now many models available that are primarily for women, featuring heart shapes and colored precious stones.

The chevalier model is extensively used by famous people and musicians of all of ages. Find all our pinky ring styles, from the most classic to the elegant, perfect for him or for her.

Pinky ring - how to wear it

How to choose and enhance the perfect ring? Use these simple guidelines.

The pinky is the most tiny finger on the hand, so you should not overdo it in the size of the rings or the stones in it, choose it by the shape of your hand.

It's best to enhance it as a stylish and unique precious ring. So wear it on the hand that there are no other rings on your ring, or the middle finger.

The pinky ring can be a wonderful way to show your style. If you're looking to make it your pride purchase it in a variety of designs and colors. You can also alter it to match the occasion.

Now that you've gotten to know the value of this ring, all you have to do is choose the ring that best suits you!
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Inscription : Jeudi 22/08/2024 4:25:09

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